Old Gate
A red old gate is indestructible and would block the main pathway or hide some hidden areas. Sometimes an old gate can be used as a bridge. To open a gate, one may need to look for a generator or kill some mutants. Usually the gates that lead to a mutant camp, a mutant champion or a chapter boss would automatically close upon entry. One may have to kill the mutant to have the gates open again or generally they may never open again.
A red old gate is indestructible and would block the main pathway or hide some hidden areas. Sometimes an old gate can be used as a bridge. To open a gate, one may need to look for a generator or kill some mutants. Usually the gates that lead to a mutant camp, a mutant champion or a chapter boss would automatically close upon entry. One may have to kill the mutant to have the gates open again or generally they may never open again.
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